is there a way to do this without ftp i dont know to do that it looks to complicated for me. and the roms came on a disk when i got my box back. i sent it out to get a mod chip and a bigger hdd. the dude put the emus on the hdd but not the roms he put them on a disk. can anybody help me i just want to play the games.
ok i played around on my xbox and found out that if i try to go to a differant emulator and open it i can make it look at my disk drive and all of the roms are there off my disk. i can do this off of any emulator i have but my sureall 64 emulator. of course i cant play any of them off of any of the other emulators but they let me see them. the sureall 64 will not. can anyboby help me from here?
i did that and i put the rom files in apps/emulators/n64/roms and they are there when i look for them in midea center but when i load sureall 64 it shows no roms any ideas what to do from hear?