Can I add a search bar to my site?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by amg0314, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. amg0314

    amg0314 Regular member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Hello. I downloaded WWW File Share Pro and I love it! It's just what I was looking for to put up all of my important files. My question would be as follows: Since I have so many files on there now is there a way to get a simple (NO AD) search bar that I could type in a file name or keywords and click search and it could search through the site? I have all of my stuff organized pretty well but I think this would be a quicker way when I get to the site from somewhere else if I could just type in keywords and it shows the file. Since this feature isn't in WWW File Share Pro (at least I haven't seen it) could this be done?
  2. ken_919

    ken_919 Regular member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I would recommend Aleadsoft Search Engine Builder. It's easy to use and there's no ads. I was searching for a no-ad search bar for my website and I found this. Here's the link to the site:
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2005

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