Well the computer runs Windows 98. Is it possible to get windows xp on it and how? Can I download it from anywhere?
No get it off lime wire or for that matter if you have a friend that works at a networking company ask him 4 a xp professional disk!
yes well meabey but just go on http://www.craigslist.com look for windows xp operating system CD they should have it
YOu can't get XP go and buy it , It is piracy if you download it Hurtdonit,Plus Xp probubly won't fit on a computer running win 98 as it is a really old computer....It will just crash
You cant download XP anywhere, and even if you do mannage to beat the system (internet), it doesnt matter because microsoft wont let you register it if its already registered by someone else, then you get locked out of your comp after a month. Linux FTW!