Can I burn audio soundtrack from DVD Movie to CDR?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dief123, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. dief123

    dief123 Guest

    Is it possible to somehow rip a movie off DVD, like a music concert DVD, and separate out the digital soundtrack, and then burn a CD-R with just the digital audio? I'd like to make some CDs from music DVDs to listen in my portable player and the car...
  2. OAKside24

    OAKside24 Regular member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    SEARCH around here...using the big SEARCH link at the top of the page! You'll find plenty of stuff... I rip with DVD decrypter, then use DVD2AVI to convert the tracks to wav. then you can convert to MP3 if you need to.

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