I've burned a DVD-Video Movie... one on DVD+RW and one on DVD+VR and I would like to know... which one can I erase? 1. DVD+VR (Do I need to finalize it?) 2. DVD+RW 3. Both Thanks in advance (I've already spent 5 disks)
I am absolutly certain you can erase the DVD+RW. Though, the DVD+VR.. i don't know what is that. Isn't it DVD+R ?
It says you can edit the disc.. remove menus and etc.. If you can do this it's because it's a DVD-RW i would say. Means you can erase it and burn something else instead. A DVD±R, if finalizaded, you can't burn anything else on. A think that a DVD must be finalized before it works. So i think that you will be able to erase a DVD+VR if it's finalized. Though.. i may not be right, just saying what i think.
DVD+VR uses DVD+RW discs. I think I would stay away from that format but read for yourself. http://www.burnworld.com/dvd/primer/dvdvr.htm http://www.ulead.com/learning/general/video_04_1.htm
DVD-VR is a slightly diferent way of burning video. However you still use a RW disc. I compare it to a larger version of packet writing but for video. If you Google for DVD-VR you will get some hits that explain it better. Jerry