Okay I'm pretty new to this and just got a new computer with a DVDRW+,- drive. If anyone could give me some tips on making dvd movies that would be awesome. I'm pretty sure the movie file types are AVI that I'm trying to burn. I've also gathered that if I use winAVI I can convert the avi files to a DVD format, is that correct? I haven't used the program winavi yet, but I have it downloaded. I am aslo using Roxio to burn the dvd since it came with my computer. So should this all work? Or is there something I'm missing. I have both DVDR+ and DVDR- to burn onto also. -Thanks a ton!
Hey. Im no expert but ima try to help out alot more, seeings as the oldies seem to be losing faith so quick, do to some departures and some stubborn feuds. Im afraid i know nothing of this winavi, but one thing i was reccommend is nero. If you have mp4 files, you can burn them to a dvd using Nerovision. A great simple tool. Now, if the avi files are the ones that there are alot of in a folder to make one film (excuse my ignorance). You can burn these to disc using normal bog basic nero express. You add the files to "Video" folder. Thats just nero 6 anyway, its probably been updated..... Sorry im not of more help mate.
Try this: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ It's 100% better than WinAVI!!! And well worth the cost too! ADDED: It's the fastest proggy out there too!
WinAvi will do what you wish and you have the option of burning your DVD with Nero or its own burner. Another good program that is highly recommended here is VSO ConvertXtoDVD: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/vso_convertxtodvd_guide.cfm