Hi! I really need an upgrade in RAM memory for my computer. I'm currently running on 512MB (yeah, I know ;[ ), but I want to upgrade to 2GB. I was eyeing this set http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211066 But I'm not sure if it will be supported by my computer. Here are my memory specs: I don't want to go and buy the wrong memory, so if my computer doesn't support these sticks, would someone be kind enough to help me find a set of sticks that will be supported by my machine? thanks so much! ~ryu
no. those are DDR2, and yours is only DDR. go to crucial.com and run their system scanner. that will tell you the maximum amount you can install, and what type you can use.
That's a strange memory speed, not seen that before. I'd agree with cee, use the system scanner, because I'm not entirely sure what your motherboard will support.
also edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. yours is 408x158 pixels & 2 lines of text. 4. If you want to use both text and image in your signature the image should not be more than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, and you can use up to three lines of text.
Yeah, this was a great computer back when I bought it... in 02, lol. I think I'm just going to build a new one, I feel as if I'm way overdue for a new PC. Thanks for all your help guys~
I recently upgraded a 2002 model year Compaq, gave it a new lease of life for far less than the cost of a new PC. Threw out the Mobo, CPU and RAM, stuck new ones in. Was intending to replace the PSU too but it turns out Compaqs have unusual shaped PSUs, so I left the original one in, they're quite solid units as it happens.
Oh wow, really? You think cases would work as well? If so I'll consider buying a new transparent case and install some LEDs as well as a new mobo, RAM, etc.
I tend to avoid all-transparent cases because they're neither built nor cooled well, but cases with transparent left side panels are fine. A new case will work fine with any build except a Dell, to my knowledge.
The left side guts view is what I've been seeing a lot lately, so I guess I'll go with that one. I'll bump up this thread with pics after I buy everything and put it together. Thanks again!