Version: 1.6 (according to Xbox Identifier) K: 1.00.5838.01 D: 1.00.5960.01 I have SID 5.1 on my xbox at this moment. I was wondering if I could softmod it with this? Will I need a specific game (Splinter Cell/007: AUF/MechAssault)? Or will they all work/not work? Just tell me if you need any more information.
do you mean you have it saved on to the HD? if so how did it get there? Also there should more besides SID there should be a file for a specific game i.e Splintercell/Mechassualt/007 something like that. here is a very easy to follow to tutorial. check it out. SoftMod Tut
I have the SID save files. I have not yet tried modding my xbox. I know how to mod an xbox I just don't know if I can do it on this one. I have the games and I have the saves.
yes.. softmods are the same for every version. Only thing to be aware of is the splinter cell/ndure ntsc and pal versions.
You'll be able to mod the box, just watch where it places the files. For a 1.6 it should make a C:/default.xbe shortcut to E:/default.xbe (which is where your dash files will be located). This is about all the difference there is in the xbox versions. If you install with sid you shouldn't have any problems. If you want to modify your dash use an AID disc and don't go playing around with files like the majority of people who post "help I broke my xbox". Use common sense and you'll be fine.