Can I softmod a 1.6b and use a HD that I have already duped?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by DjRaise, Jan 15, 2006.

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  1. DjRaise

    DjRaise Regular member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    I have a friend that is headed out of state and does not have time to order a modchip. I have installed plenty of chips, but I have never softmodded, so hang with me a sec.

    First, are there problems with softmodding a 1.6b?

    Secondly, I duped a 250GB drive, using my Xenium ICE. After I perform a softmod on his new 1.6b, could I use the duped HD with it? It is probably a stupid question, I know. I was thinking I could just softmod the factory drive and then use my modded box to transfer/replace the folders on the aftermarket drive and save its F and G partitions. Would this work?

    Is there a better solution? I just didn't want to start over transferring all of the apps and stuff.
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