Hey dip2000, There is no reason why Dvd Decrypter cant do this i haven't done it myself but there wouldn't b a reason why it cant and to be certain it would work do you have AnyDvd?
I doubt if DVD Decrypter will do Basic Instinct2 as it's a newer movie and Decrypter hasnt been updated for some time now, download a free 21 day trial of AnyDVD, from slysoft site and have that running in the background to break any encryption.
Give this a try and its free: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvdfab_decrypter.cfm Hope this helps
No AnyDvd can NOT do Basic Instinct 2. There is something on that disc that completely messed up the drive I put it in. Now that drive wont even play a disk. Beware.
Unfortuneatley, no for newer titles...older DVDs, no problem, just use Shrink and Nero. I ponied up the $$$ for anyDVD, and have been pretty satisfied with it.