Repairing CD's, DvD's, That is something that has to be done physically to the disc. For example, wiping the disc with some type of solution and rag. ow, by repair if you mean, Can it read scratched discs...I have had better results trying to read a disc that was pretty bad off versus other non-leading brand burning software out there. If that is your situation, you burner also play a big part in that process. Better Quality Burner=More Money Spent Hope that helps a little.
T-Cut & turtle wax. My kids screw discs up so often i have developed a highly effective system of loss mnimisation - it nearly always works. Polish the scratch out with radial movement (centre to outside) + T-cut (for non metalic car paint, obviously), then add a liberal thinkness of turtlewax and back the thing up before it all goes horibly wrong again. Positive results on original CD's PS1, PS2, VCD, DVD's you name it - very few failures, and when it comes down to this kind of last resort you really start to appreciate how important it is to have the right to back your stuff up & keep your receipts for ever. By the way, the receipts fade over time, so back them up too.