Can not unZip everything in aTar file

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by John375, Sep 21, 2003.

  1. John375

    John375 Guest

    Downloaded three Tar files
    Goody.Part.1.Tar - 681 MB - Includes 47x14.3MB + 9.15MB Rar files + SFV file
    Goody.Part.2.Tar - 786 MB - Suppose to include 54x14.3MB + 14.2MB Rar files + SFV file
    Goody.Part.3.Tar - 741 MB - Includes 51x14.3MB + 11.7MB Rar files + SFV file

    When extracting the Rar files from the Tar file, one gets a bunch of Rar files whose sum-total matches the size of the Tar file

    Problem is that the Part 2 Tar file extracts with three missing 14.3 MB files. . . The Tar file is 786 MB. . . But the extracted Rar files only total to 743 MB, with three 14.3 MB files obviously not extracted. . . (Files r02, r51, and rar missing). . . SFV sheet (and Tar file size) indicates the Rar files were all included in the Tar file

    I tried extractions using WinRar, WinAce, 7-Zip, and the Windows Xp utility. . . All the softwares tested the Part 2 Tar and found it to be okay. . . But all give the same results, same three Rar files remain missing

    Anyone know how to pull-out the missing three Rar files from the Part 2 Tar ????
    Thanks in advance

    Just tried Advance Tar Repair software. It seems to indicate that it can get all the files in the Tar file. It located the three missing Rar files. But, my copy is a Demo, and won't output the repaired Tar file.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2003
  2. Easycola

    Easycola Regular member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    Want to make few things clear here, so that I understood it right.
    1. When you open part2.rar with winzip/winrar/whatever, does program show those 3 missing rar's indexed?
    2. When you extract part2.tar with utility, do you get any error? (this important bit of info actually)
    3. Sfv file indicates only that source files crc checksum at original dir was done, it doesn't apply to tar file index. So, if you actually run sfv file with any sfv file checker program (like quicksfv for example), it would tell those 3 files missing/corrupted if properly done.
    4. You could try out Tar 98 program, if I remember right it has 5 hours full feat usage until logged / whatever.
    5. Repairing any compressed archive usually requires source package having somekind of recovery record set. In most cases that is not done, so any repairing utility feat what program offers is often rendered useless. Newsgroups uses PAR-file sets to repair / fill missing/corrupted rar files. Consider that being one kind of "recovery record set".

    Last but not least, carefully around here about posting questions relating to copyrighted source material...;)
  3. John375

    John375 Guest

    Goody is a fictious name I made-up. If it refers to some copyrighted material, it is by accident.

    1) The three missing files R02, R51, and Rar are not listed at all (not shown in the file preview window) by the softwares WinRar, WinAce, 7-zip, ZipGenius, Tar98, or the window utility. . . Only the Advanced Tar Repair software identifies these three Rar files as being in the Tar file. . . They show up in the Advanced Tar Repair log output and, by the details (file name and size) seem to be fully intact.

    2) Testing the Tar archive shows no errors. . . Extracting the Tar archive shows no errors. . . Only thing happens on the extract is that three files just do not show-up.

    3) Agreed, the SFV file is a check-sum for the Rar files. . . I just used it for reference as to the expected file numbers that were contained in the Tar file.

    4) Tar98 did not do any better than WinRar, WinAce, 7-zip, ZipGenius, or the window utility. . . It did not see the three missing files at all.

    5) True, most archive repairing usually just deletes the missing/corrupt files . . My suspicion, though, is that the end tags of the missing files may have gotten lost (comma used instead of period) or the Tar file index just does not list the missing files - -and perhaps the missing files may be recoverable
  4. Easycola

    Easycola Regular member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    Yes, I understood that goody is fintional, I just thought to point that copyright part out anyway..:)

    OK, anyway, now that any of those utils wont return error while extracting package 2, it is obvious that source tar was fubar in regards to indexing, not the first time.

    Advanced Tar Repair utility (have to test that program out) seemingly understands corrupted indexing bit more further, but still it would need to have somekind of recovery set to repair index, regardless how big / small indexing error is.

    That said, would stronly suggest you to abandon the repair project and instead of wondering if not doable, just seek for missing files from vast wastelands of irc (if files not anything extra ordinarry rare). Hint on signature.
  5. John375

    John375 Guest

    Thanks. . . Will try to find the missing files elsewhere, or try another download source. . . some URLs below

    Advanced Tar Repair at

    Advanced CAB Repair


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