I recently bought a V32 bis + Fax PSION DACOM GOLD CARD PCMCIA MODEM. My celeron based Toshiba laptop's own modem has gone off so.. anyways windows installed it as standard PCMCIA modem. I alloted it to COM 3 (where my earlier modem was installed,.. after switching the old destroyed modem off). But inspite of all being ok, I cannot connect to my dial-up connection. Although I can hear the usual data sound being transmitted over the line and the access telephone number being dialled, it doesn't really seem to be able to connect to the remote computer and I get the message unable to connect to the remote server. Probably something needs to be done with the initialization string, I tried many from the net none worked, some lead to the result "Hardware failure" any ideas people ? please help.....
if you have winxp you can try out the winsockxpfix which fixes your connections:http://www.snapfiles.com/get/winsockxpfix.html
Hi, Thanks for the suggestion tried it but no use, I think I should hunt for the init string, have been trying sooo many sites on the web no luck till now.