They appear to be the cast of a [presumably] older tv show, that or it was made to look older. Anyone know them? I didn't host these images, I don't believe the names have anything to do with their connection; the names seem to have been randomly generated. So, anyone got a suggestion?
OK, so I didn't know them, but I did a Google search using all the names attributed to the pictures. It appears that they are all a part of the "Power Rangers" Universe. Which show(s) exactly I will leave up to you. This actor is a match for the picture xander.jpg Beyond that, you're on your own.
That helps a lot. Now, can anyone tell me what connection two of these actors\actresses have in real life? I'm having trouble with that as well (Two part trivia question I'm trying to figure out).
Well, I don't want to spoil your fun, and I really don't have the time to do it, but if I WERE trying to do it, I would Determine the names of each of the actors using the Wiki that I referenced Google "+<name 1>+<name 2>", "+<name 1>+<name 3>" until I got a relevant hit. There are only 15 possible combinations.
Did you find it or know it? If you knew it, I don't wanna know how. <G> I typically only pay attention to the Pink Rangers, and only if they're really cute. (Those ones from Mystic Force are not my type. Eeeewwwww) <G>
LOL, nice. A buddy and I go back and forth with entertainment trivia, and this one was just... Wow. I knew he worked hard to find it but geez, that's really going out on a limb for him. I vowed to find it, and now I have. I can't believe I spent time on that Rangers' Wiki... The experience means that I've now died a little inside.
I admit, I used to watch a bit, mainly when it was on ABC Family in the morning....till they moved it and put the reruns on a disney digital cable channel in time warner.....I mainly watched the original and Power Rangers SPD.....tho I was already 22 when the original came out!! I found out by using the name on the pic with power rangers doing a search....then checkin on imdb for reference. Took a while, but I finally found them.