I'm not sure if this is the proper place for a question like this, but since I'm only trying to protect the longevity of my HDtv I'll assume a few of you out there are a few steps ahead of me. I'm looking to spend under $250. I'm considering the Belkin PF30 or PF31. Monster comes highly recommended but they're a bit out of my price range. I have a 42" LCD panel tv, an xbox 360, a ps3 and a digital receiver that I'm looking to protect. There are other units I have to plug in as well, but those 4 are the main ones I'm worried about. Thanks for any suggestions, I'm a software chick, not much of a hardware chick..
Don't have it yet, but as for the present, it is what I would use ( especially the Hydra 8 model for multi components )
hi there....just picked up a monster HTS 1000 MKIII from HHgregg for $99.00 and boy did it make a difference!!!! I livein an old farm house where the wiring is terrible and just plain shocking ....if it's windy outside I unplug everything...yup that bad!!!! well just got a new 1080p LCD samsung 46" and when I plugged in the monster it was a different TV seriously clearer more stable pic and sound and the difference when I plugged in the surround sound was startling tighter bass crystal treble...I never thought that it would have such an impact. If you search on amazon they have them for about 100 bucks well worth the inverstment for both protection and quaility improvement. I know alot of people on here knock monster but I am very impressed with this product and more than happy with the price as it was like getting a new TV and receiver......I'm one happy bunny!!!!