Discussion in 'DVDR' started by chazbmwUS, May 11, 2003.

  1. chazbmwUS

    chazbmwUS Guest

    I wanted to know if anyone has copied a movie copied by XCOPY?I heard that XCOPY can etract just movie files,so movies can fit onto 4.7 G this true? and if so can you make a copy of the copied disk without the watermark(identifier) showing up on your copy?
  2. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    you get warning screen saying that it is just a copy at the start & DVDXCopy costs too much money.
    But if you want to sling your money at what is supposed to be an all-in-one software then go right ahead.
    When you then run into problems with DXC , here's the forum
  3. 72morgan

    72morgan Regular member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    It IS possible to make a copy of a copy but you will not get that info from the DXC Forum. It is phohibited on the DXC Forum.

    Read This link 12th line down :

    What are you doing with the COPY ????? Don`t tell me I do not want to know!!! DXC makes a copy , on that copy there is a text file , it can be removed . OK . There is a 321 Logo at the beginning . There is software on Afterdawn that will remove it from playing back. Ok . It won`t PLAYBACK, that does not mean REMOVED. It is still there , just not playing back. Using Xpress I opened some of the .IFO files with notepad. The first line says " MADE BY DERROW " . If you want to make a copy of a copy that is possible & if you want your copy to play back a little " cleaner " ( less logos ) that is also possible . Beyond that beware of the hidden Easter Eggs, that DXC may have hidden a little deeper. It may not be possible to remove all of your digital FINGERPRINTS.

  4. chazbmwUS

    chazbmwUS Guest

    Thanks Morgan

    I lost my mind and purchased Xcopy!
    Number 1. it takes way too long to rip the movie
    2. I have to keep the 16.9,when I prefer 4.3
    3=1..It cost way TOO much money(Herbsman you
    were right) to not be able to copy 1-4-1.
    I tried to copied a movie that was 4.40G
    I used DVDshrink to compress,but movie kept expanding back to 4.40G(Cyclic redundancy check or something like that error). 4. I am returning Xcopy because if it can't copy movies whats the point...I need my hard earned money.
    I also ran across a new window that opens when trying to copy Maid in Manhattan,It say view video or access link,when you hit view movie
    it asks for DVDplayer,I bypassed by leaving window open and just ripping otherwise you can't do anything besides play the movie..anyone seen this stuff yet?What are my options NOW that I am returning Xcopy?..Does Express copy movies?..I have seen ALOT of posts with a ton of problems about Express, I can have that with freeware,at least I'm NOT losing money doing it :)I am looking for speed with quality..any suggestions?

    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2003
  5. cheezzzz

    cheezzzz Regular member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    Yes it copies a movie per se. Thats the purpose of these software. But like what was said before you cant copy a copy made by dxc. I have no problems making backups of my movies and takes about 30-40 minutes for the whole process.
    And by the keep asking the same questions.

    cheezzzz_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Just another lonely Hawaiian with:
    P4 2.66Ghz, 120gb HD (7200rpm)
    2X512mb DDR333 (PC2700) SDRAM
    Sony DVD RW DW-U12A(OEM for DRU500AX)
    DXC v1.52, DXCXpress v2.01 online
    Dvd2one/Nero 551028 Enterprise Ed[/small]
    Last edited: May 21, 2003
  6. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    : )

    this discussion should still be held here:


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