hi everyone, well heres my question? i want to put my music from my pc on to my mp3 player, now thats not the problem what i need is a program i can use to normalise all my tracks, because they are from different albums the sound plays back at different levels, so is there a GOOD program that i can use to do my music and put them on my mp3 player at the same sound level, please can anyone help with this, i need my music for a half marathon soon, so i hope someone out there knows a program that can set all my songs at the same level. thank you so much
I used this tutorial for mp3gain once to normalise an lp transcription with some audio from video files. It seemed to work, but I'm no audiophile. http://www.cnet.com.au/diy-how-to-normalise-your-mp3s_p2-240057551.htm http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/download.php
Mp3gain is considered one of the best. Definitely use the tutorial and I suggest reading a bit about the topic before you start.