Can you me?!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Candy_007, Sep 2, 2003.

  1. Candy_007

    Candy_007 Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    ok, i know, i know, this has absolutly NOTHING to do with this site, but i really need answers! please?! i met this guy when i went camping, hes my friends cousin, and at first i thought ok, hes kinda good looking, but i got to know what his personality was like and i totally fell for him now...the thing is, i probably won't see him until next summer, unless i see him in clubs now that i know who he is. And i'm 18 and hes....24. i know thats a big age difference, but i don't think its terribly huge. i also think hes into someone else right now, he is single though, and i think he finds me attractive because we smiled alot and looked at each other a lot, i got a good vibe from him, i went to a party and i had too much to drink and he totally looked out for me a protected me, which i though was so nice of him. he lives in the same city as me.. not far. and i'm just wondering if i ever see him again and he starts to show more that hes interested, should i go for him? it wouldn't be bad right, i'm very mature for my age too, and is family loves me, they say i'm a part of their family too. (which was really nice) i'm kinda confused right now, i now can't wait to see him again, but its possibly a long time from now, again i could see him in some clubs. please help me, i'm sorry its so long and it has nothing to do with this site, but if u could help me that would mean so much..thanks again.
  2. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    IF you live in the same city, I can't see why you can't see each other often of coffee or what ever. IF he is leaving for University or what ever, then long distance relationships can be hard. This coming from a person who's had a girlfriend in New hampshire, one in Boston and I live in Toronto. So distace can be difficult but that's what phones and internet are for. The age diffence usually only boils down to maturity. 19 and 21 is only two years but is about 10 years differnent in maturity level. 27 and 32 are about the same. If you are both Happy, and enjoy spending time together. Then do what you think would make you both the happiest in the long run. Distance and time might be hard, but they can easy be over come.
  3. JimmyX

    JimmyX Member

    May 16, 2003
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