u can add another hard drive but it has to replace the current,so..my guess if ur exchanging is to go bigger,if your talking about have ur 8gig and another,i dont think that is possible but i vant say for sure.
and i forgot if ur going to change the hdd make sure u have a modded xbox with a backed up dashboard first so u can use the backup on ur new one.
You can have two harddrives in your XBox, Im not sure how exactly to do it, but they sell case extenters that make your box taller. Im 100% sure you can do it, you just need to find the tutorial.
You have to do some pretty major modding to do it, including an ide chain split, so that multiple devices can be connected, usually on a switch based system. I've heard of a good number of softmodders who keep the old drive original, and add a larger drive for modding, sometimes two. I'd love to add another drive for linux, or something like that. It is very doable, in the meantime, check out the tutorials on replacing a hard drive in softmodded xboxes, because unless you have a mod chip, this is what you will need to do. It's challenging the first time, but it is very doable as long as you set aside a few hours to futz with it.
Good find Mike, I'm gonna try it I think, its only a $15 mod, maybe more if I want a nice extender case.
i know its to switch the hardrive but if you listen to the begining he says ppl buy custom cases to put 2-3 hardrives in there http://youtube.com/watch?v=qjQ6KmNcQp8&search=xbox mods
Yeah, if you're not afraid to carve, and play with a dremel, you can do amazing things, I wish there was a good place to do it, because I could upload some pretty cool pics of what I did with my system. Make sure you have a couple cans of paint AND sealant, a good plastic material to add onto the case with, and with lots of care, you can extend the case to contain more hard drives and/or fans, etc. I am getting a second unit soon, and I'm planning to go to town on this one more so than my current one. I would like to extend the case a few inches, to allow for an additional hard drive, with a boot switch in it. And I'll also have extra space to add another fan, and have additional airflow space, if I decide to really work the cooling. Moreover, I'm somewhat wanting to do some sort of creative extension from the case for decorative purposes. But that might be a bit much.... Who knows. Anyways, my love for opening the case aside, extending these cases is easy to do, my one big suggestion is to NOT get a case extender kit. It cheats you out of the fun and experience of doing it yourself. Not to mention how cool it can look when you're done. I highly suggest it.
I've used a few different kinds successfully. It really depends on what kind of a finish you are looking for. I like the more rigid look of the plastic on the xbox, over the smoother, shinier parts. So I deliberately do more numerous coats from a distance, to create a rough surface. It comes out as the sort of matted finish that is on the actual 'X' on top of the box, then I put a few coats of sealant, again from far away, which requires more coats, but creates a matted finish. I've used a lot of krylon for my projects. But depending on what you want for a surface, you may try something else. I used some wood-furniture intended paint doing my keyboard, and through multiple coats, I got this rugged, sort of earthworn texture on it that I'm very pleaed with. It means minimal glare, and it doesn't have that generic glossy effect that I'm so tired of seeing everywhere. Hopefully that helps! Remember, for more textured layers, do thin coats from a distance, for smoother finish, thicker coats slightly closer, but much less of them.