hi, im cheap, and dont really feel like buying movies so im thinking of renting movies then backing them up. can the store tell if ive ripped files off the dvd? is there any way to tell? because if i got caught...$250,000...5 year sentance...*shudders*. so can they tell?
You didn't know? Man there is a chip on all new dvds .. it registers how many times it been watched, if it's been ripped, what time it's been watched and the address the dvds been at.
They have upgraded the chip. It now scans anyones finger prints that come in contact with the DVD now. So they will have finger print evidence along with... it registering how many times it been watched, if it's been ripped, what time it's been watched and the address the dvds been at. I also read they are working on a contract with The Brink's Company (security/Home/Business)that will alert through the internet to the Brinks security network when a DVD has been copied. At that point they will contact local athorities to alert them of the infraction. Which means in just minutes the police could be knocking at your door.
You forgot to mention it also registers if you ate popcorn or nachos with cheese during the movie. LOL
The real truth about ripping DVD movies from Blockbuster, They are all individually numbered, how else do you think BB can tell who returned the movies? When you rip a movie, it records this number into an encrypted file stored in your temp files, along with this disk serial number, is the serial number on your Pentium Processor, o when the FBI wants to arrest aomeone for illegal bootlegging, they search your hard drive and upload these numbers and compare them with BlockBuster's list of rentals, Using GPS technology, they can pinpoint your location, swing by a dougnut shop on the way, and have you in the back of their paddywagon within the hour. My advice, don't do it, unless you want to have a sex change operation before they lock you away for life, then they'll stick you in a woman's prison and your sex life will be a little more tolerable than if you were sharing a cell with a 350 pound inmate who thinks you look just like his favorite gay porn star. Well you get my drift eh?
man the real truth is there pulling your leg , its really only a $50,000 for your 1st offence.That s not to steep is it and the jail time just remember not to bend over and pick the saop up with your back to the inmates or otherwise you'll be getting the surprise of your life.
thanks everyone. i almost made a terrible mistake. i had NO IDEA about these chips at all, and had it not been for you guys, i would be making my one phone call right now lol. thanks, ill just borrow movies from my friend . hold on though im kinda confused is this just with blockbuster movies? (this is where i was planning on renting from) or do they have them on ALL new movies like even if i rented them from a variety store...?
They have no way of knowing if you have riped the DVD's or not. We where all kidding with you. But it is recomended by this site that you dont do it. Also I wouldnt go any further then what you have asked already, It is agaisnt forum rules to talk about pirated stuff.
Don't believe larry, I've heard that he works for the local law enforcement agency. Yep, all the above is good advice, a good friend of mine got caught & had his computer confiscated, seens as it was his first offfence. The local blockbusters got a bit miffed with people copying their movies & called the police. As my mate had only a couple of copies, the police could only take his PC. Shame, it was a nice one too, FX57, 3gig of Corsair memory, 2 7900GTX cards in SLi & 2 150gig raptors. Man was he upset!
Only know of one individual who was arrested for piracy, a roommate of a coworker was arrested in SC for selling copied movies at a flea market (Bright idea...NOT!) A plainsclothes officer bought one movie, came back 5 minutes later with two uniformed officers, arrested him, confiscated his goodies, he got out on bail, a day later they raided his apartment, rearrested him, siezed all of his computer equipment, blank and burned disks, he is still awaiting trial last I heard.