Hi I have been having a problem with my burner. My DVD Burner is a 'Pioneer DVD DVR 111D Model' I can burn rewritables (DVD+-R) with Nero but i cannot burn normal DVD's or CD's. I tried with DVD Decrypter but it gives me this error and I cannot burn anything. 'Power On, Reset, or Bus Device occured' Please help would be much appreciated. Cheers Harlequin
A Bus reset happened between two commands, a command was not completed after a long time. Check your SCSI bus (cable, termination, and drivers) Is this drive internal or external?
It is an internal drive. It seems like its a hardware problem, but i dont know for sure. My HDD is a sata drive, would this have any effect? Cheers Harlequin
This could be down to poor media, I recommend Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim. What brand media are you using? Keep your firmware upto date.
I updated the firmware, but no luck. I will test some other media and also test the media i have on another friends machine. Its happened with both DVD blanks and CD blanks. :/ Cheers Harlequin
This problem sucks when it happens. I have had this happen to me before. My DVD burner wouldnt burn DVD's anymore but would burn CD-R's. I tried everything and never could get it to burn DVD's again. I finaly said screw it and bought a new DVD burrner and everything worked fine again. Wish I could help you out more but the fact of the matter is I never found a soultion for it except to buy a new burrner. That fixed the problem. The only thing that I do find odd is you can burn to DVD-RW and not DVD -/+ R's Have you recently installed any programs that might have caused this issue to come about? If so try to do a system restore back to before you installed that program. Some other thing's you can do is uninstall all recording software that you have on your computer and make sure you clean out the regestry of the software. Then reinstall the software back. Maybe it is a burrning program conflict. You could also uninstall the DVD drive and IDE channel from your device manager and restart the computer and let windows reinstall them. Lastly you can always try to reinstall windows itself. If you have tried all of the above along with (updating firmware, checking the IDE cable conection to the drive, tried diffrent media) then more then likly it is a drive issue and you will need to get a new 1. 1 way you could test this out without going through all the above is if you had another computer where you could take out your DVD drive and place it in another computer and see if the problrm occures in that computer. If it does then it is a problem with your DVD drive. If it dosent then something is conflicting with your DVD Drive inside your computer.
Thanks for the info Larry. I only re installed WinXP recently, didnt have an effect. I called the shop and will prob bring it in for them to check it and get a new one, i think its faulty because i have tried everything and nothing works :/ Cheers Harlequin