After three days talking to tech support They told me that Nero does not create a simple boot disc with a file bigger then 2GB. A message pop up, saying please use UDF file system to write large files. But there’s no way to change the boot disc file system to UDF! I am so disappointed with Nero!!! Does anybody know how to proceed with that? Thanks
Maybe I am not understanding you correctly. I have a slipsteamed XP-SP2+ (SP2 plus all updates since) boot disc. It has adout 4 GB of data on it, that was burnt with Nero. It is just not all in one folder. This is not my DVD, but I use a same directory setup.
56delray, I have only one file that is 2.9GB and that file cannot be copied to the compilation space. Everything else is copied.
Yes I think they are advertised to be able to create bootable DVDs in UDF. You might also check ImgBurn (free) as well. I don't do this myself so I'm just going by what's advertised. I know Alcohol used to have a fully fucntional free trial. I think UltraISO has both free and pay-for versions.
Laddyboy, We have Roxio licenses and it works there! I can’t believe that Nero does not have that capability?! Thanks