is there a special program that allows me to play burnt games? or would it be that the games werent burned properly?
Sorry to jump in on this thread but i didnt want to start a new one as its the same sort of problem. I have 2 xboxes that have both been softmodded the same way. Only thing is when I try to load forza on one of them i just get a black screen and nothing else but on the other box it works fine. Any ideas as to why?
sorry, would have helped if i'd put that in aswell The 1.3 does not run the game. One more bit of info, it used to be modded using ltools 1.8 and the game worked fine but as that was crap i took it off and used the knarve 4.5 installer and thats when it stopped playing. All other games still play fine.
its just that one game that doesnt work eh? hmm, well i dont know what to tell ya, ill ask some people i know if they have heard anything like this and ill get back to ya
well i tried googleing it and asked some friends who might have known something about it, and i found nothing. the only thing that i can think of is going back to using Ltools (even if it is crap). or you could try to use the unburned game and copy it to your Hdd... but other than that, i dont really know what is going on. ill keep looking and post if anything comes up