Hi all, i'm new to this multimedia stuff, and tried to burn a VCD with Nero Express 6 from an AVI file. It succeeded but when i try to play it on the standalone DVD player (which is VCD compatible), i get the initial screen and it just locks up. There is no option to play it. Does this sound like a DVD player problem or software? Anyone had anything similar? I'd appreciate the help. Cheers
Does it say no disc or anything??? As a side note, i wouldnt advise u use Nero to encode your Video. Look for a DivX to VCD/SVCD guide online to learn how to encode them properly! Also you might want to try other media with your DVD Player! You can also look up good info on your DVD player at http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers
How did you burn it using Nero. I don't even get it recognized by my sony dvd player. If you get the initial screen, then just skip to next track. By default the title screen (first track) while burning with Nero has infinite wait. You could change it while buring it but now since you already have VCD, just use the skip button on your remote and you would be able to play the VCD.