Hello. I´m having problems backing up one perticular dvd. I use any dvd and Nero Recode. It retrieves the files from the disc but get error message when analizing. Here´s my log file: ______________________________________________________________ Burn settings: Target: Hard disk folder Number of copies: 1 Target folder: F:\Nero Recode (32061177856 bytes free) Shutdown when finished: false Advanced Analysis: false 12:10:48 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 235 Compile DVD: init VTS_01 Title Vobs [15601 vobus] 6371.45MB -> 4458.67MB [R 0.54] Video: 4064.59MB, extra: 394.08MB Audio: 2 streams 0. Dolby Digital 5.1-k. Engelsk 355.79MB [enabled] 1. Dolby Digital 5.1-k. Russisk 355.79MB [disabled] Subpicture: 10 streams 0. Engelsk 9.19MB [disabled] 1. Hollandsk 7.83MB [disabled] 2. Arabisk 7.31MB [disabled] 3. Dansk 8.04MB [disabled] 4. Finsk 7.93MB [disabled] 5. Uspesifisert 7.93MB [disabled] 6. Islandsk 8.04MB [disabled] 7. Norsk 7.83MB [enabled] 8. Svensk 7.83MB [disabled] 9. Russisk 0.00MB [disabled] 12:10:49 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 1146 Compile DVD: begin copy 1 12:10:49 File NeroRecorder.cpp, Line 508 Writing to harddrive folder started 12:10:49 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 452 Compile DVD: burning 2282925 sectors (2282925 required) 12:10:49 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 522 Compiling DVD Volume started 12:11:19 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 385 Could not read from file. 12:11:19 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 386 Compiling DVD volume failed 12:11:19 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 304 Compile DVD: exit _________________________________________________________ Anyone who can help me with this? Ronsy
could be dirty or damaged disk. try cleaning first if that doesnt work u could try dvddecrypter to rip.u can dl it here .. http://www.riphelp.com/downloads/files/SetupDVDDecrypter_3.5.4.0.exe
nero won't copy a disk directly because of it's copy protection! you need to rip it to the hard drive first and follow gamename's advise! then use Nero Recode to burn your titles to disk!~ If the movie is a new movie then DVDDecrypter will need help, since it's not updated any more..... try this, RipIt4Me. Here is a guide for you and you can download the free programs from here, too: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110, this should fix everything!
Thanks guys. Allready tryed DVDRipper and DVDShrink. Allso tryed to rip it to harddrive first. Probably a bad disc since I´ve never encountered this before. Thanks again for your replies. regards Ronsy