I'm using the Buslink 48x12x48 cd writer and I can't seem to successfully back up games that employ Safedisc or Safedisc 2. I've gone over the information provided by this site and haven't come up with a clue as to what's going wrong. Info & documentation on my cd writer is sparse and isn't referred to in any drive compatibility lists. I've tried Alcohol 120% and CloneCD to no avail. Does anyone know if this particular cd writer is capable of creating 1/1 backups of Safedisc and Safedisc 2 protected cds? Thanks.
What game are you backing up? Use this tool to scan the cd(s) to see what protection lies on them. ClonyXXL:http://www.primacom.net/~m6030328/downloads.htm Shoey
Thanks for the reply. I was having a heck of a time of it until I found how to switch Clony to the English version. Looks like I'm dealing with Safedisc v2.8.