Cant Burn Downloaded Cd Albums

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Wjason777, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. Wjason777

    Wjason777 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    When i download cd albums from from diffrent site and try to burn it with nero all the songs want fit.These files are about 320kbs (6mb) a peace and there mp3s. Is there some kind of program that i could use that will change the files to 128kbs so i could burn all the songs thats on the album to a cdr?
    i have tired Audio Converter but it only did have off the song!
  2. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    If your making an Audio CD then size doesnt matter its length so there is no need to downgrade the quality. It sounds like the total duration of all the songs you are trying to burn to the disc exceeds the given limit for that disc e.g. 650 MB/74 MINS or 700 MB/80 MINS. Either burn to a bigger disc size like a 90 minute disc or split the songs on to 2 seperate discs.
  3. Wjason777

    Wjason777 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    why should i split the songs onto 2 cds when the album is only one? Whoever ripped this album made he quailty to good the normail size of a song is 128kbs not 320kbs thats why it want fit on a CDR. Even if i did brought 90min cds it still wouldn't fit the total time on the cd is 97:30min.
    So how to fix this?
  4. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Well then that particular album if bought from a shop must must of been burnt to a special disc like a 100 minute one. When making an Audio CD the bitrate and size doesnt matter as normal CD's bought from the shops have a BitRate of around 1408 kB/s and the file size of each WAV is usually around 50 MB's. So either find a blank CD that is longer than 97:30 min or burn to 2 seperate discs.
  5. Wjason777

    Wjason777 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    No, why should i do that when there are programs that can bring it down to 128kbs so i could fit on one cd? Look lets say we have a song that is 4:30min like and is 320kbs the size of that file is going to be anywhere from 5mb to 6mb but if you down rait it to 128kbs the size of the song is still 4:30min long but about 3mb to 4mb. all i want to do if find a prgram that does that i had one but it was only for a 10day period,the progam was called biltzaudio or something like that.
  6. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    dBpowerAMP is free and excellent. It will convert just about any audio format.

    The CD obviously must be larger than 80 min if Nero is telling you that all the songs won't fit on one CD. Are you sure that you downloaded all the correct songs from the artist? Do you know exactly what songs should be on the CD?

    I don't see why you need an audio convertor at all. Reducing the bit-rate will only reduce the quality, not the time of the song. With an 80 min on an audio CD you will only get 700 MB of space.

    What I would do is convert all the files you have to the WAV audio format. This will give you a clear understanding of how much space these mp3 files will take up after they have been converted (by Nero) to create an audio-CD.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2005
  7. Wjason777

    Wjason777 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    see thats what kinda program i needed, thanks man
    thanks diabolos

    weazel you dont know what your talking about!
  8. Digidave

    Digidave Regular member

    Jul 11, 2004
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    Wjason777, You're the one that doesn't have a clue! Weazel200 was very clear with his answers & right on point. If you burn an Audio CD with all those songs that add up to 97:30 Mins. on to a 700Mb Disc, You be sure to let us "clueless" people know how you did it. We could get rich!!
  9. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Fellow AD members, calm down, there isn't any room for slander here. Assistance is assitance

    weazel200 actually was correct in what was typed. The message was very concise but may have been miss-leading. With that said, the ideas where all very true and a quick glance, between his post and mine, proves so.

    I still don't know why you are useing dMC.

    Let the posts speak for themselves,

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