Hi all, I've just recently been having a few problems with my Lite-On DvdRw sohw-812s, my problem is that it will not let me copy onto a - media, When i first bought the item it came with a + and - dvd media disk, these worked perfectly. since then i got 5 DVD+RW to back up my media. but today i decided to get some more and I got some DVD-RW to back up my movies and music, but when i insert these DVDs it takes a moment to acknowledge the DVDs and when it does it will not let me write on them. it just freezes my software. I've read some of the other problems on this fourm and I have updated the Firmwire, and the Aspi, but i still have the same problem. I have writen down my specs at the bottom, but not sure if that will help. as like i mentioned above, when i first got it it worked on - media perfectly, but now it will not. Please help me, as i am in need of backing up my software, and dont want to have wasted my money on these DVD-RW. my system specs AMD Duron 1.6ghz 512mb Ram 60gb Maxtor Hard drive 256mb Gefore FX 5700LE Sony DVD-Rom DDU1621 Lite-On DVDrw SOHW-812s running Windows XP Home
Hi Coatman Welcome to aD! Which program are you using to back up your movies and music? What's the brand of -rw discs you bought and the rated burn speed? Check your DMA mode also. Here's guide if needed: http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/checking DMA.pdf
hi Binkie i've checked my DMA mode as it is as the .pdf says it shoudle be. I've tried two programs to back-up my software, Nero Burning Rom and MY DVD (which came with the DVD-RW Drive), I've even tried the same way I back up on CD, just open explorer and drag into the cd and click write to cd, but doesnt work) The DVD-rw media that I've bought are called Tuff Disk and are x2 speed. I hope there isnt anything wrong with this make.
Well Coatman I may not have good news for you. I can't find the manufacturer for the -rw but the manfacturers they use for their other formats ain't the greatest though a few are. Pop one of the blanks in and go to NeroInfoTool>Nero ToolKit. Click on the disc tab - this will give the manufacturer id. Post back that info. Unless you really need RW discs for things like multisession or to use again after doing a full erase I would suggest using - or + r instead like Verbatim or made in Japan Sony, Fuji or Maxell. These formats are much cheaper!
I've tried the info tool and it doesnt say any manufacturer just says Blank DVD-RW, and the size of the disk, with N/A in ever other slot. the disks are (to my mistake) spelt with a C not a K, so its actually Tuff Disc (what is the difference between disc and disk?) it does have a website on it www.tuffdisc.com I do have 1 Phillips DVD+RW which works perfectly, but sadly ones not enough. If im still having trouble with these disks after your help i might as well just get one or two more of the phillips ones, could always keeps the ones i bought for a later date. Who knows it could then. or with another drive, which makes me think, I can take them to college and use em on that dvd drive and see if it works there. but that wont be till later next week.
More than likely your problems are due to poor quality media. I would take binkies advice and get some verbatim or sony media. I don't recommend phillips branded media either. Cmc mag manufactures a lot of their media and although they might burn ok at first, they will most likely develop playback problems over time. Stay with only good quality media and your troubles will be few if any. Poor quality media is the #1 cause of problems.
is this the firmware ye download DR8US0S for the Lite-On DVDrw SOHW-812s http://www.liteonit.com/global/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=154 or here http://www.liteonit.com/global/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=75
You could always flash it up to an 832. I did and works fine. But nothing will burn crappy media. Verb or Ty