Cant copy files from second hard drive, help please.

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by NinReznor, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. NinReznor

    NinReznor Regular member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    I've just installed a second hard drive from my old pc without any problems. I've been wanting to burn some cd's to back up all the stuff thats on the second hdd to free up some space. problem is when i try to copy it from the 2nd hdd to the cd drive or anywhere in explorer, windows gives me an error saying there was a problem moving the files, and asks me if i want to retry abort or skip.
    does anyone know why this is happening and have you any advice?
    thank you.
  2. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    Are you using vista? , if you are do following, on the old hard drive on the folder that has your files do following "right click folder/choose properties/choose sharing tab/next make sure the box that says share this folder is checked and also make sure the box that says allow other users to change files is checked/ press apply.
    On vista this usually fixes the problem. Even though it's on external hard drive and not on the LAN, this will give the folder full access.

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