I know that this has been discussed before as I was perusing through the old threads and trying to come to a conclusion as to what an excellent burner for the money would be. I have been looking at 3 good probables. plextor, benq, and liteon. However I have noticed that plextor is a bit more pricey and was wondering if the benq pretty much does the exact same thing as the plextor. I am not totally understanding of what the "rebadging" of drive is. Any help would be great. Alot on here say that the beng1650 is great. I found that drive for $27.00 Great price but would such a wonderful burner really be that cheap. Here is the link for that http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101010 I went to tigerdirect.com and noticed that the benq is not even in the top sellers for that site. I am just not sure.
I've got 3 BenQ's and a Lite-On. The BenQ is an excellent drive, don't be mislead by the price. Rebadging is when one company makes the drive and another puts their logos on it and sells it. For example; BenQ makes a drive, sells it to Sony. Sony changes the faceplate and sells it as a Sony made drive. It is very common in the DVD writer business.
have you done alot of successful burns with the benq? Did that drive mess up at all, and if you really do like the benq do you have a favorite as to what model?
I've burned hundreds of discs with the BenQs'. The drive is very reliable. The best model is the DW1650 or DW1655 if you desire lightscribe.
what about the newer model that also includes the solid burn technology. I think it is DWQ something rather...
Hi, dolphin2 "It's the DQ60. I'd stay away from that model. The DW models are much better." I agree, but don't forget the DW1670. Panasonic chipset like the DQ60. So no SolidBurn etc. So 1650/1655 it is.;-)
I have the Benq 1650"s and Plextor and Lite on and Samsung and Memosux and the best bang for the buck is the Benq 1650 Not down playing my Plextor but the price of the plextors means 6 new Benqs and the difference in quality is minute plus with the benq you can use the Nero scan tool with the Plextor is the Plex tool prof and only a few post their scans with the Plex compared to Nero.I don't really believe you can hurt a Benq since I followed the flow to the Benq an a amazing drive for under $35.00 bucks.Dang I'm long winded tonight. Happy Burnin Chris
I want to grab an external benq drive, any difference in reliability with the internal and the external? What is the significance of the "solid burn technology" I saw that the 1650 or 1655 had that solid burn and lightscribe, but is there an external drive with that model number. With lightscribe does the burner actual imprint images on the dvd itself not using ink?
I have 2 benq 1650 in external drive boxes ones a Dynex and the others a USA both off the USB ports and working as good as the internals. The Dynex I bought at Best Buy for $29.00 & the USa I bought on ebay for $24.00 w/shipping inc. from a rep dealer. The USA has a fan on it. So total in each drive is around $65.00 for great ext. drives.The 1655 has Light scribe and I don't know about the images. I use the Epson R340 to put the text and pics on and using meritline and Super Media comp ink. Chris
I as well am part of the DW1650 camp. I'm very pleased with mine, and for the price you can't beat it with a stick. As dolphin2 stated, don't be mislead by the price...