can't figure out videora

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by qwerty977, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. qwerty977

    qwerty977 Guest

    I downloaded a music video and put it into videroa to convert it, it was all ready in my itunes and it wont go onto my ipod even after it was converted I think.

    I just deleated it off itunes and now im trying to bring it back up and can't find it?


  2. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    You'll have to be a little more informative if you expect a decent answer:

    Did you convert it or not?

    It will be in the output folder for videos converted through Videora.
  3. qwerty977

    qwerty977 Guest

    Yes I downloaded the music video then transfered it to itunes.

    Then I converted it useing videora but when I put the ipod in it never transfered to the ipod even tho it was converted.

    Next I took it off itunes and when I try and put it back on or any file on itunes I can't find it. It was in the shared folder but now I don't know were it is.
  4. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    So, from what I gather, the videos in your iTunes were the downloaded ones, [bold]not[/bold] the converted ones? In which case, you need to convert them with videora before you import them to iTunes..
  5. qwerty977

    qwerty977 Guest

    No I just downloaded a movie and just converted it so now I just went to itunes and tryed to bring it up but in the folder it does not open I go to file import program files videoraipod converter then video but nothing comes up then I right click it and try and open it and it just goes to itunes. I see the format is correct mp4 sp I dont know why I cant bring it up onto itunes. Please help


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