Can't get Acekard 2i working on ds lite

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by hajjid, May 7, 2009.

  1. hajjid

    hajjid Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    I know that I don't have to use acekard2i on my ds lite (as it's built for dsi)but it says it is still compatible also,it was just good price so i bought it

    now to the point:

    I have nintendo ds lite, today i got in the post my new acekard 2(i) and it doesn't work. it says ''System File Missing''

    I have done everything (really everything) downloaded all possible firmwares akaio, moonshell, and the newest ones ,the whole lot of them really ,trust me,tried one by one. I even formated the micro sd 2gb kingston card in my windows vista and even downloaded a program for formating these cards as well,made sure formated in fat not fat32.
    copied the file akmenu4.nds to the root folder and the folder _ak2 as well with all it's contents I just done everything right, I swear to god and created a folder there called games and put 2 nds games into it.

    Nooo difference system file is missing.

    When I turn on my ds there is an icon with acekard 2i alright, click on it
    ..then it says loading.... after 3 seconds it says system file missing

    Please help ,what causes this bloody error

    P.S. please don't encourage to put the firmware into the root directory again 'cause I know what root directory is and I have done that at least 10 times with different firmwares.

    thank you for your help
  2. AgDrag

    AgDrag Member

    Apr 12, 2009
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    Got mine today too...Formatted (rightly or wrongly) the sd card to fat32 and it worked fine, Lite and dsi...

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