cant hear music videos from on my iPod Video HELP ME PLZ

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by BigD2006, May 6, 2006.

  1. BigD2006

    BigD2006 Guest

    Its hard to put music videos from Limewire onto iTues and even harder to put them from iTunes to my iPod Video but once it goes on there and i play them i cant hear any of them at all
  2. Joeva

    Joeva Regular member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    funny i have the same problem.. certain songs dont play, they just get skipped.. it pissed me off cause it will skip like 50 60 songs then play one, then skip like 20 then play one.
    i tried converting to aac and some of them still don't work.
    [edit] i misread this post.. sorry, this should help you but someone could still feel free to help me w/ my prollem =)
    Last edited: May 6, 2006
  3. theoipod

    theoipod Guest

    maybe it's cause you're playing it as a song when you go to the menu go to videos and then movies!

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