I've installed my chip and slayer software but I'm having problems with networking the xbox from my comp. system. My comp gives me a time out error when I try accessing the xbox. I think it's a setup issue but I'm not familiar enough with networking protocols, etc... I have the xbox connected to a secondary router (xbox IP # My comp is on connected thru a hub which is the uplink of the secondary router. Originally while I was testing the box, I had moved it closer to this hub and was at least able to view the directory structure thru IE. Couldn't access it thru any FTP program. Since then, I've messed around with the settings to get it working with no luck. Here's the setup I currently have on the Xbox: IP: Netmask: Gateway: DNS: Can anyone help me?
Whats the IP address of your pc? make sure that it and the X-Box are the same except for the last digits. Also try to ping your X-box from a comman d prompt-but again forst whats the IP address of your pc?
Then thats the problem in a nutshell. Change the Xbox IP to and you'll be fine. Just to let you know the first three digits if the ip address all have to be the same(example-192.168.0) these would all be the same the last set of digits are what have to be different.
The xbox setting was assigned by the 2nd router that its on, wouldn't that cause an issue with the router itself if I change it?
No not at all change the ip address to a static Ip and again make sure the first three sets of digits XXX.XXX.XX are the same and only change the last digit and your all set. The reason I like static IP's is because when you setup a ftp site you can use that icon all the time without editing it.
Ok, I've tried changing the IP address as you mentioned but I'm getting nothing. The FTP programs are timing out. I've checked the settings on the Xenium chip setting, Slayer dashboard setting and they are the same. Looked at the Avalaunch setting and all those settings are messed up. I don't know where to change these settings. Would that be a problem if I have any of the other screens loaded up?
Rouge-post the ip's as they are now for your pc and the x-box and you are using an RJ-45(netowrk cable) not a crossover right?
I've setup the xbox with IP # I'm at, I'm using strictly straight thru, and the connection between my comp and the xbox is going thru a hub and a router. I know the cables are good as I had connected a separate comp to the cable that went to the xbox.
Try this-go from your pc to the router and the router to the X-box. Make sure your default gateway is also set-if you don't know what I'm talking aobut let me know and I'll explain in detail. also when you try to connect which dashboard are you using?
The gateway (on the xbox) has the address, same for the DNS. I've tried accessing it from the Xenium main screen and also tried from the Slayers Dash. I found the AvaLaunch dash but I can't change any of the settings so I'm avoiding that one as much as possible. I'll have to check the gateway on my PC but I think it's set to automatically detect. I don't know the purpose of this though. I'll try your suggestion when I get home and see if I get anything.
Make sure you change the gateway as well-that address you gave me won't work with the IP address you provided.
What should the gateway be? The IP addresses I've used go along with my main internet router, the router thats on the xbox is splitting up the network connection in my living room for an xbox, PS2 and a very old comp. system