I have a Toshiba 1700 and it won't play DVD+R. My question is, there a way to type set a DVD+R to play on this stand alone? Thanks in advance It only plays DVD-R, it won't play CD-R's either. I do have another player that plays everything, but I just bought a lightscribe burner and there doesn't seem to be any good DVD-R media out there. Any ideas.TY My new burner is a Samsung 16x.
When you burn your DVD+R disks try booktyping (bitsetting) the disk output to be DVD-ROM. This is a setting on your disk burner. It may help your Toshiba 1700 to think it is reading a regular DVD disk (or may not). Not all disk burners are able to be booktyped. A different tool may be needed to set different brands of burners that are able to be set. You could just burn DVD-R disks. You could just buy a new stand alone player able to play all formats.
or DVDInfo Pro or DVDDecrypter.... take your choice on booktyping....... or use Nero to Automaticall booktype your +R media .....and if you don't know about booktyping read this: http://k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php now you're set to do the real thing..... try to booktype your drive!
Arniebear..... come on....... buy the inkjet printables!!!! you have an Epson R200/300? right? and if you don't ...... why not????
No do not have an Epson printer, I think about it and even looked at one in Sam's Club, but I then would have to part with my Sharpie's and that would cause me trauma
Arniebear.... you don't know what you're missing! but then again you seen these before!!! and many others, too! Taiyo Yuden printables!
Yes, the come out fantastic and it makes me think about getting that printer. However, a friend of mine gave me some Maxell printables to try out in my burner to see how they did, and I will say they are really nice, and Sharpie's do really well on them, lol. Now if I only had more artistic talent I could create some real Sharpie cover art.
Just think of what Rembrandt could have been if he only had used Sharpies instead of that nasty old oil paint. I will give that printer some more thought though they really are nice and the prices on the Epson are reasonable.
sooooooooooo when will you get one? the ink lasts like almost 200 disks and that's counting the printer being a printer and making copies of .doc's and pixs, too! To me it's really a no brainer. I just had to have one and it does a great job.
Probably as soon as I can talk my wife into it, since she bought me my current HP printer and it is only about a year old. I am not sure she is seeing the necessity of this one. I really got to do some creative talking or I will be spending my nights with the real arniebear.
Thanks guys! I use Taiyo Yuden for everything now, but without really checking out media, I ordered a Lightscribe burner. I think that might of been a mistake, but the price was right, you know how that goes. I checked around yesterday and Verbatim had DVD+R Lightscribe media, but I didn't see any -R only Phillips and HP. I'm not sure of any of those. Maybe I can talk the wife into another DVD player, since she uses it upstairs. My Sony plays anything.
I know your pain with that Toshiba player, I have an old one and it only plays -R so until I got a burner that bitset that is all I could use. I would replace it but it still plays fine, so I still use it. Although, I too bought a Sony that plays anything. You are right Verb does not make -R lightscribe, so you are stuck with the HP ones. Unless you can bitset, which I am not sure of, check out your burner specs and see if it can. I don't use it for lightscribing DVD's as much as I do for CD's.
Thanks Arniebear! I haven't received my new burner yet, so I don't know about bitsetting it yet. Maybe you know, it is a Samsung. Thank You theboltz