Hi I have recently purchased a Toshiba AC100. I can't seem to see any of the information on the cds or read any of them. An icon comes up when I place the CD in to say if I want it to be set on quiet mode or normal mode. Quiet mode - it says its for listening to music audio files more comfortably through the cd. Normal mode - It says its to install applications and copy stuff from the cd. It says I have to click on normal mode and after restarting it or shut it down and turn it back on it will be activated. I have done this but its still the same. I can't read any of the cds or dvds. It doesn't tell you if your on either quiet or normal mode. So can anyone suggest anything on what to do and if theres another way round to activating it. Thanks, appreciate any advice.
I'm off to laugh.. sorry.. mickey mouse operating system strikes again can you BOOT a linux live cd from the drive?