I took .tivo files and used Direct show dump utility to convert them to .mpeg. The problem wich I have just recently noticed is that I cant move from place to place in the video without it getting all weird on me. In other words the only way that I can watch it is from start to finnish. By all weird after I move the seek bar: anything from the video going black and just the audio playing, or it could take a few seconds to catch up, or most likely it just stops playing altogether even if the seek bar keeps moving. Any ideas on how I might fix this problem because I want too edit and burn them next? Thanks
I tried to demultiplex and remultiplex but that only made things slightly better. Now when I try to move within the video it mainly pauses while the audio starts after a few seconds, plays for a few seconds more, and then the video fasts forwards to catch up. I am new to this and this is the first time that I have demultiplexed and remultiplexed but I remembered seeing those options in the program that I was using(womble) and it seemed pretty straight forward when I did it. Any other fixes or possible causes for my problem? Thanks
Have you tried playing/navigating the file in VLC? Something else to try is downloading powerdvd or Windvd and play with the free trial. I say this because it may be due to some kind of incompatibility with the mpeg decoder.