Hi! I have a LG UH12NS30 in a PC running Win7. I wanted to use DiscSpeed to test some BD-Rs. It correctly identifies them as CMCMAGBA5 under Disc Info. But all test options (xfer rate, create data disc, etc.) are grayed out. I had also tried Speed 4.11 with same result. At least I could create and check a DVD-R. Is there something needed to unlock the BD-R capability? Thank you!
Needakip, you're right! I didn't read with attention the specs: http://www.lg.com/us/burners-drives/lg-UH12NS30-internal-blu-ray-dvd-drive but it doesn't mention BD-R writing speed. Nero InfoTool was who showed me the truth: it labelled the drive as a "combo". Thank you for your assistance!