Hi guys I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have some real media or windows media files which I can watch on my internet browser. I would like to capture then or re-record them. Unfortunately my HyperCam didn't work with that because of the overlay thing videos use. Could anyone somehow help me anad let me know what program I could use, to capture the video? Thanks in advance. Christine
Thanks Veblin But I couldn't find any program to capture streaming real media files. I tried ACA Capture and Capture Professional. No luck :-( Anyone got any ideas what program to use? Thanks in advance. Christine
You must not have looked very closely. The information is all there on that forum but you do have to take the time to read it. Streaming media recording software list. http://p084.ezboard.com/fstreemeboxvcrfrm7.showMessage?topicID=1.topic Most people use StreamBox VCR or Net Transport for Real Media streams, though there are other recorder programs listed that will also work. There is also information there on finding the stream URL you will need for recording. Most people use Project URL Snooper, though there is other software and methods that will also work listed there. Screen video capture software of the type you have tried is only used for video streams that streaming media recorders cannot record. When you use this type of capture you need to have hardware acceleration turned off.