carnt connect pc to xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by shauny598, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. shauny598

    shauny598 Guest

    i just connected my xbox and pc together.but wont useing fxp.when i try to connect it keeps saying .connection timed out,or unable to find host,im new to this x box stuff.any idea what the settings should be on my x box,ip ect.and how to do it,and how to set my pc ,up the same. ive tryed everthing and im stuck,im on xp.and just had the x box chipped and evox is on it.can anyone please help me go through it ,step by step ,thanks lads
  2. shauny598

    shauny598 Guest

    or is there anouther way i could do it,my modem is a broadband one can i connect a crossover cable to that,to the x box,?ive read some of the stuff on here.but wont work for me.think it could be my pc settings ,as when i unplug the cable from my x box it says no network or someting thing like that,when i plug it back in,a ip addy ect comes up on the x box.on the settings,so somthing is happening, thanks
  3. shauny598

    shauny598 Guest

    come on lads please help someone must know
  4. aoe_do

    aoe_do Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    i have the same f%$^#% problem but i havent tried with a crossover cable im gona get it today and see what happens...

    pls we would really pretiate ur help...
  5. tysonbyte

    tysonbyte Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Using a crossover cable and FlashFXP is the easiest way. Select "Site Manager" and make sure that the IP address is the same as your xbox.
    A great explanation of how to set up your connexion can be found by viewing section 1 at

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