Is there such a program like DVD Shrink for CD's? I hava a unabridged book on CD on my computer but it is going to take 10 cd's to burn it. Is there any way to shrink a cd file like you can a dvd? Just thought I would ask. Thanks
if you're talking about burning the book to an audio CD, then no, there is no shrinking. Audio CDs use a format called PCM which uncompressed audio, therefore it can't be shrunken down to fit more. However, they do make 90 minute audio CDRs, so that might be an option for you to help cut down the number of CDs required. You can find them at Now if you want to burn your files to a data CD, and keep the files in whatever format they are, then you can always use winRAR to compress them to a rar or zip format. However keep in mind if the files are compressed, like mp3s, they won't be able to be shrunked down, as they are already heavily compressed.
Thank you so much. I knew it would be a simple yes or no answer, I just never needed to know until now.