I just bought my verbatim cds. The verbatim cds do not have the azo. After I opened it, I noticed the cd is greenish and different from the blue azo verbatim cds. I used nero to see whose the manafacturer of the cds and it was unknown. Altlhough it was unknown, I used the ATIP and found out on the web that the manafacturer was Moser Baur India in which I never heard of. Also, it was ranked in cdmediaworld site. Although Moser Baur India use to manafacturer Prodisc except I'm not sure now. I read the forum on which manafacturers have high, average, and low qualities from "summary of cdr brands". Since my verbatim cds are not azo but is manafactured by Moser Baur India, I wondered if these cds are high quality or a good manafacturer in the league of Taiyo Yuden and such. Yeah, I discovered that the manafacturers probably changed although on the verbatim spindle claims its from mitsubishi chemical corp. I always got verbatim because its by mitsubishi and had difficulties finding discs manafactured by taiyo yuden or the high quality manafacturers. Any help would be appreciated.
Verbatim brand is owned by Mitsubishi, but that doesn't necessarily imply manufacturer. I guess you need to be careful to buy Data Life+ to get Mitsubishi (India/Taiwan) or TY (Japan) made Verbatims.
Moser Baer is pretty poor quality stuff. I got some Memorex 52X for Xmas that were Moser and they threw up a hell of a lot more errors than the good stuff.
All the AZO CD-Rs I've seen were DataLife Plus (all the regular DataLifes I've seen were CMC) and were in a package that said AZO on it. I also seem to remember reading that they are actually manufactured for them by CMC, but that may have been speculation and not fact.