I posted this in the guide thread for the m3ds real, but think it's better if it has it's own thread so it is the main topic, and increases my chances of replies. I need help. I accidentally bought a Chinese m3ds real from dealextreme. Bye the time I noticed it was Chinese the m3 was 2 days from my house. So I thought there must be a way I could just download English firmware to it. So this last week I've been trying to find a way to change my firmware to English. I found two solutions, I could solder the insides which risks breaking my m3ds, and I have no soldering skills. The other is to use a patch to change .eng to .gb. Alright I use this patch, change the .eng files to .gb. The problem I had was that the menu.eng file is needed to pick English on the menu screen , and if it's .gb it won't work. If it's .eng is just crashes. So I thought the Chinese m3ds i compatible with .kor , and .tha same as the English one. So I could just rename my English .menu as .kor. Nope it doesn't work. It just freezes after I choose the Korean , but when I'm using the actual Korean file it doesn't freeze. Btw if I boot it up without the .menu it works fine in English, but I can't access half of my things including my games. So I'm thinking of finding a way to get rid of the language choice screen in the beginning. That is the only thing I could think of. Do you guys have any idea on how I could make my M3DS REAL Chinese, English. I came here , because I could not receive help from other forums, not even the creator of the patch could help me. You guys seem to know alot about it, and seem to be active in this forum, so please help.
From all that I have read historically on this subject, you're out of luck. It's more than just a firmware issue. There had been some reports about opening it up and soldering some jumpers, but I haven't heard of any way to do this. http://forums.maxconsole.net/archive/index.php/t-51024.html
Oh so it only works on the real with a hardware mod, but on the simply you could use software. Does anybody know if the hardware mod is hard too do, and how easy it is to break it?