Is there a program that I can use to change .mls files to .mpg files. I converted from mpg to mls to adust brightness and focus in an mpg file but now I can't find a program to turn the mls file back to mpg. Any help would be appreciated
I'm not sure I can answer that question. I had an MPG file that was quite dark and I could not lighten it. I pulled a probram off the web called Crystal Player. It let me do alot of changes to the file and make it more visible. The only problem was that it would only save the file as .mls which seems to be compatible with nothing. I have gone back to the mpg and will try to find a program that will allow me to change brightness and contrast and still save it as an mpg.
I ran crystalplayer pro.It saves .mls files, but they are simply text files (open with notepad) which refer back to the original file you apply the filters to.
So if I run crystalplayer and apply the filters to adjust brightness and contrast, is there a way to save the mpg and still have an mpg file that has the changes made by using crystal player? I can't see a way to change the original file with this software. The information I read refers to playback on a PC;nothing about modifying the original. Perhaps a Google search for a Forum would help.