Change The Screensaver's Timing

Discussion in 'Mac - General discussion' started by JBMac, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. JBMac

    JBMac Guest

    My OS X screensaver is set to slideshow, but it doesn't spend enough time from one slide to the next. Does anyone know how to change the amount of time each slide is displayed for?
  2. JBMac

    JBMac Guest

    Any thoughts???

  3. natony

    natony Guest

    There is nothing that I know of within OSX that allows you to do this. So all I can say is that it will have to be a third party application- although I doubt someone would have bothered with such a trivial tweak :( A quick google certainly isn't looking very hopeful. I find there are a few things like that in OSX where I wish there was just a few more options... hopefully 10.5 will give me everything I want!

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