I have large set of FLAC files that are already normalized, but their sound volume is too low. Is there a way I can increase the volume on multiple FLAC files at the same time? I have a copy of Audacity, but as far as I can tell, the files must be copied one at a time which can be very tedious. I also have a copy of Nero 6.6 but it appears to me that it can only normalize the volume, not increase it. Thanks EdP
Using the latest beta version of Audacity: Click 'File' > 'Edit Chains' to set-up the commands for the required batch job. There are two macros included in the download that you can examine to see how the commands are laid out. Note that the 'Export to..' command must be included in the list - else the processed source files won't be saved. 'File' > 'Apply Chain' to process the commands to a bunch of files. The exported files are saved in the 'Cleaned' folder (same location as the source files). Note, you don't have to load any files unless you want to test one with the settings. Edited for clarity.
Thanks for the quick reply, attar ... Apparently I'm missing something. Although I didn't expect there to be a significant difference between 1.3.10 which I was using and 1.3.11, I downloaded and installed 1.3.11 anyway. I opened several FLAC files and chose File | Edit chains ..., but the only chains listed were CleanSpeech and MP3 Conversion. I thought maybe it didn't handle FLAC, so I tried it with some MP3's and then again with WAV files, but still only saw those two chain options. I checked the plug-in folder in the Program FIles folder where there are three DLL files and 16 NY files. Could I be missing a plug-in? ************************************ Well ... DUH ... ... after frogging around for a while I noticed an Add button about three feet down the window and learned that I have to create the chain and stick the commands in myself. You can tell from my note above that I thought all the options would just appear and all I had to do was enter parameters. I'm leaving my original note above intact in case others come to this thread and recognize themselves. Thanks again for your help EdP