Hi guys, Unfortunately, the eko site has been abused by some people, who seemed to think that it was OK to upload all sorts of crud. The content of some uploads was very dubious to say the least, and could have caused the closure of the site, plus more serious consequences for me personally. I have therefore had to remove the ability for all to freely upload files, which meant a lighter workload for me. From now on, I will have to upload files to the site, which will quite possibly result in a slow down in the time before files become available there. I know all the files on the site are available elsewhere on the net, this was just an effort to collect them all into one easy to use site. In future, if you are unable to find a file there, you can thank the idiots who chose to abuse the freedom. Thanks to all who have used, and will continue to use the site. Eamo
Well said Eamo mate. It a shame certain people ruined it for the rest of the innocent folks out there !
That's it exactly main. I left the uploading wide open so that if new firmware came out for a box, or someone wanted to put up a channel dump for a certain area, they could just go ahead and do it. Now, if new firmware comes out while away, or whatever, there will be a delay, depending how long I'm away for, before the files get uploaded. As I said, I know they are available elsewhere, this was just supposed to be a convenient one-stop shop for everybody. As you say, it's a shame certain people have to ruin it for everyone.
I myself must say it is also a terrible loss. You may say people can get what they want elsewhere Eamo but I and many others found this an invaluable source of information and over my time here have uploaded many files there and god knows how many people I have sent there. As you said people can get them elsewhere but I know for a FACT that if this is not the best site for the amalgamation of all info to do with this DVB forum then as Carlsberg say it is probably the best. I can understand the closure of the uploading feature and once more say it is the few who have now affected the Library's future updates, shame indeed
Thanks for the kind words scouser. As they say, there's always one, or in this case more than one. I may consider re-opening the upload again in the future, but for now, I can't take the chance of having the site closed over some idiot(s), and possible stronger consequences for myself. Everything still remains available for download. My thanks go to the many people such as yourself, who have uploaded countless files that other people have found invaluable in keeping their boxes going.
eamo dont give up hope,ur doing a great job and i respect u for that,even i would like to have the ability at sometime to upload as this site is a wealth of information at ur fingertips.
I will re-enable the upload facility sometime in the not too distant future, but I will be keeping a close eye on it. I don't mind people uploading files that aren't particularly relevant to dvb stuff, as long as it is useful to people, I'm just not going to allow it to be a dumping ground for porn again. As was said previously, there's always some muppet(s) willing to ruin it for everyone.
Hi eamo32, It's a terrible state of affairs when people abuse the trust you put in them. As usual it's always a selfish few idiot's that abuse this trust. I myself have uploaded files for the replay lite into your site and have found it a great source of reference for various boxe's. Even on other forum's I have seen how much your efforts have been appreciated. You are famous in cyber space. Thank you for making this useful resource available to us all. I have lost count of the number of people I have sent there to download files. Your library has helped so many people, I hope they are all grateful for your efforts. Thank's once again Eamo, Kind Regards, Brian1956
Hi Brian, thanks for the support, and more importantly, thanks for your uploads for the Replay. People such as yourself have made the site what it is. As previously stated, the site remains open for downloads, but if there are any firmware updates or whatever, it will soon be outdated.