I recently changed my DVD writer to a 16X. My wife's DVD player is old and having difficulity getting a firmware upgrade to work. The new writer using Nero will not burn slower than 6X. I have some older 2X blanks and burnt in the new drive work fine in her player. My older Writer was a 4X max but only did + type at 2X for some reason. I found a 4X blank and burned it using nero and the new drive and it did not work either. But if I burn a -2X it works fine. Anyone know how to force Nero and a higher speed writer to burn at 2X. I have contacted Nero but they don't answer anymore. I checked all FAQ's and configuration setup's. One other problem I finally worked out. When I would finish a DVD burn and tried to exit Nero and when it would try open the drive it would hang up the computer. What I did was checked not let it open the drive and I open and remove the DVD and then exit Nero and no hangups.
Your post is a little confusing. Have you attempted to burn DVD-R at 4X or 6X. Burning at 4X or 6X should not be a issue with movie playback. However, make sure you are using quality media to avoid possible probblimes.
I have burned both types at 4 and 6x using Sony, Verbatum, Fuji and others. I have two of these players by Cyberhome and have asked them for firmware upgrades with no luck. I am looking for other burning software that will let me burn at 2x. Everything was OK with my old burner until I installed the new one about 4 months ago. They are both lite-on and any DVD burned in it works fine in other players I have. I hate to have to trash these Cyberhome model 402's but guess it will when I run out of the 2x blanks I have. They also have difficulty playing RW's. It plays very good until about the middle of the disc and it skips and finally stops. These are RW's burnt on several computers and DVD recorders. Most media is 16x now and pretty much will force me to put these to pasture. I am planning to put my older writer back in and use the newer blanks and see what the results are. I will have the 2x capability with this drive. For some reason Nero defaults at minimum 6x with the higher speed writer. Thanks for your reply.
Good Luck -- Its a shame to hear that the source of your problem looks like hardware media incompatibility.
Thanks for the support. It's not the new drive will not write 2x as I have proven that. It is just a matter of finding software that will do as Nero except give the speeds all the way down to 1x. Some of my friends say the slower the more dependable the dvd will be later on. I do know it's better to keep the speed down on CD's. Like you said it is a compatibility issue just as the new DTV stuff is also.