I recently bought a hauppauge winTV-PVR 150. I dont have a s-video cable long enough so I am running composite from a Brighthouse set top box. Now this box doesn't contain a cable out but s-video, HDMI and composite. Now I used the composite out to the card. Now my question is, how do I change channels without using the set top box. I was kinda under the impression I would be able to have my comp on 1 channel, and my TV on another (for anyone else watching). Now, if I am wrong on this, still, how come I can't use the card to change channels? It only changes when I change the set top box.
That is possibe if you get xp media center and an offical xp media center remote, then it come with litte things you glue on your set top box and when you change the channel on the computer. If this is what you are trying to do, as for the hauppague remote not working try reinstalling the drivers for it. Here is an image of what i mean
Alright, I found out that the set top box is a Pace box, and isn't supported by the IR blaster supplied with the card. Now am I correct is saying that if I did get, say the MCE, and hook it up to the card, I can change channels on my computer without chaning channels on the box?
You dont hook it up to the card, its usb and yes it works with most set top boxes and if your isnt supported then you can manually imput the ir codec(easy to do takes 2 min or so). Also note you ahve to install XP MCE in order for this to work with this remote.
YA youre still using the card through Svideo to see picture, Media center thing is just a remote that cahnges channels on set top box for you.