Hi I recently purchased a Starview 2 (not clone) it was working fine had 170 channels working on it. Im have ver 8.00e on it. Then the channels just went one day suddenly (scrambled or bad channel). I live in west dublin. I searched for them but no channels would come back up. So i reset the factory settings using 0000 etc.. and still have nothing. I have turned EMU on off etc.. makes no difference. I have checked the coaxial cable its fine. The signal in the manual screen is up at 70-80% all the time. Its just not even detecting the channels anymore and cant even get to the scrambled or bad channel stage because i dont have any channels. Please could someone help.
Ver 8.00 is for the SV3, if its a starview 2 "The b0x" then you need the 4.50 for Ireland. Press menu > system info & tell us what it says please.
flashed it with 7.09 beta after factory reset and turned EMU on still no good. The problem seems to be that it only intermitantly detects channels on the channel scan (every 2 days), the next time you scan it wont detect them, every 2 days i might detect a few channels that are scrambled but then thats it, it cant detect them again. The signal is always good 70-80% and the TV channels are fine when hooked up to the TV without the box. If anyone has any suggestions or had this problem before please help.